티스토리 뷰

카테고리 없음


야라바 2024. 4. 5. 11:16

■ 목차

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■ 욥기 20장

1. 나아마 사람 소발이 대답하여 가로되

  Then answered Zophar the Naamathite , and said ,


2. 그러므로 내 생각이 내게 대답하나니 이는 내 중심이 초급함이니라

  Therefore do my thoughts cause me to answer , and for this I make haste .


3. 내가 나를 부끄럽게 하는 책망을 들었으므로 나의 슬기로운 마음이 내게 대답하는구나

  I have heard the check of my reproach , and the spirit of my understanding causeth me to answer .


4. 네가 알지 못하느냐 예로부터 사람이 이 세상에 있어 옴으로

  Knowest thou not this of old , since man was placed upon earth ,


5. 악인의 이기는 자랑도 잠시요 사곡한 자의 즐거움도 잠간이니라

  That the triumphing of the wicked is short , and the joy of the hypocrite but for a moment ?


6. 그 높기가 하늘에 닿고 그 머리가 구름에 미칠지라도

  Though his excellency mount up to the heavens , and his head reach unto the clouds ;


7. 자기의 똥처럼 영원히 망할 것이라 그를 본 자가 이르기를 그가 어디 있느냐 하리라

  Yet he shall perish for ever like his own dung : they which have seen him shall say , Where is he?


8. 그는 꿈 같이 지나가니 다시 찾을 수 없을 것이요 밤에 보이던 환상처럼 쫓겨가리니

  He shall fly away as a dream , and shall not be found : yea, he shall be chased away as a vision of the night .


9. 그를 본 눈이 다시 그를 보지 못할 것이요 그의 처소도 다시 그를 보지 못할 것이며

  The eye also which saw him shall see him no more ; neither shall his place any more behold him.


10. 그의 자녀들이 가난한 자에게 은혜를 구하겠고 그도 얻은 재물을 자기 손으로 도로 줄 것이며

  His children shall seek to please the poor , and his hands shall restore their goods .


11. 그 기골이 청년 같이 강장하나 그 기세가 그와 함께 흙에 누우리라

  His bones are full of the sin of his youth , which shall lie down with him in the dust .


12. 그는 비록 악을 달게 여겨 혀 밑에 감추며

  Though wickedness be sweet in his mouth , though he hide it under his tongue ;


13. 아껴서 버리지 아니하고 입에 물고 있을지라도

  Though he spare it, and forsake it not; but keep it still within his mouth :


14. 그 식물이 창자 속에서 변하며 뱃속에서 독사의 쓸개가 되느니라

  Yet his meat in his bowels is turned , it is the gall of asps within him.


15. 그가 재물을 삼켰을지라도 다시 토할 것은 하나님이 그 배에서 도로 나오게 하심이니

  He hath swallowed down riches , and he shall vomit them up again : God shall cast them out of his belly .


16. 그가 독사의 독을 빨며 뱀의 혀에 죽을 것이라

  He shall suck the poison of asps : the viper’s tongue shall slay him.


17. 그는 강 곧 꿀과 엉긴 젖이 흐르는 강을 보지 못할 것이요

  He shall not see the rivers , the floods , the brooks of honey and butter .


18. 수고하여 얻은 것을 도로 주고 삼키지 못할 것이며 매매하여 얻은 재물로 즐거워하지 못하리니

  That which he laboured for shall he restore , and shall not swallow it down : according to his substance shall the restitution be, and he shall not rejoice therein.


19. 이는 그가 가난한 자를 학대하고 버림이요 자기가 세우지 않은 집을 빼앗음이니라

  Because he hath oppressed and hath forsaken the poor ; because he hath violently taken away an house which he builded not;


20. 그는 마음에 족한 줄을 알지 못하니 그 기뻐하는 것을 하나도 보존치 못하겠고

  Surely he shall not feel quietness in his belly , he shall not save of that which he desired .


21. 남긴 것이 없이 몰수히 먹으니 그런즉 그 형통함이 오래지 못할 것이라

  There shall none of his meat be left ; therefore shall no man look for his goods .


22. 풍족할 때에도 곤액이 이르리니 모든 고통하는 자의 손이 그에게 닿으리라

  In the fulness of his sufficiency he shall be in straits : every hand of the wicked shall come upon him.


23. 그가 배를 불리려 할 때에 하나님이 맹렬한 진노를 내리시리니 밥 먹을 때에 그의 위에 비 같이 쏟으시리라

  When he is about to fill his belly , God shall cast the fury of his wrath upon him, and shall rain it upon him while he is eating .


24. 그가 철병기를 피할 때에는 놋활이 쏘아 꿸 것이요

  He shall flee from the iron weapon , and the bow of steel shall strike him through .


25. 몸에서 그 살을 빼어 낸즉 번쩍번쩍하는 촉이 그 쓸개에서 나오고 큰 두려움이 그에게 임하느니라

  It is drawn , and cometh out of the body ; yea, the glittering sword cometh out of his gall : terrors are upon him.


26. 모든 캄캄한 것이 그의 보물을 위하여 쌓이고 사람이 피우지 않은 불이 그를 멸하며 그 장막에 남은 것을 사르리라

  All darkness shall be hid in his secret places : a fire not blown shall consume him; it shall go ill with him that is left in his tabernacle .


27. 하늘이 그의 죄악을 드러낼 것이요 땅이 일어나 그를 칠 것인즉

  The heaven shall reveal his iniquity ; and the earth shall rise up against him.


28. 그 가산이 패하여 하나님의 진노하시는 날에 흘러가리니

  The increase of his house shall depart , and his goods shall flow away in the day of his wrath .


29. 이는 악인이 하나님께 받을 분깃이요 하나님이 그에게 정하신 산업이니라

  This is the portion of a wicked man from God , and the heritage appointed unto him by God .


■ 주석 보기

【욥20:1 JFB】욥20:1-29. Reply of Zophar.


【욥20:1 CWC】(1) With Eliphaz, 15-17.
(a) Speech of Eliphaz, 15.
(b) Reply of Job, 16, 17.
(2) With Bildad, 18, 19.
(a) Speech of Bildad, 18.
(b) Reply of Job, 19.
(3) With Zophar, 20, 21.
(a) Speech of Zophar, 20.
(b) Reply of Job, 21.
The second series of the debate is in the same order as the first, and with the same question in view.
Eliphaz and Job.
Eliphaz opens in chapter 15. Job is accused of vehemence and vanity; of casting off fear and restraining prayer; of arrogance and presumption.
God is vindicated by him, and the observation of the sages are quoted. A number of pithy and instructive sayings are used to show that wicked men are subject to sudden alarms and unhappy experiences.
Job replies, renewing his complaint of the way his friends have treated him, and of the intensity and injustice of his sufferings. His appeal is to God before whom his eyes pour out tears. In chapter 17 he prophecies that his trials will yet be a subject of amazement to good men.
Bildad and Job.
Bildad speaks in chapter 18 repeating the former accusation. In his estimation the laws of God's administration are fixed and it is an established principle that the wicked shall be punished in this life, which he illustrates by a number of maxims or proverbs. The student should enumerate these and distinguish between them.
There is nothing new in what Bildad says, but he is enforcing what he has previously advanced with greater emphasis.
In chapter 19 Job speaks more pathetically, exhibiting his character in a beautiful light. His language is sorrowful, his spirit tender and subdued. How long will his friends vex and crush him with their remarks? God has overthrown him, fenced up his way, put away his friends. Even his wife and children are estranged from him.
Then, as Barnes says, there follows the most noble declaration in the book. "Conscious of the importance of what he is about to say, he asks that his words might be engraved on the eternal rock, and then professes his confidence in God and his assurance that he would yet appear and vindicate his character. Though now consumed by disease, and though this process should go on till all his flesh was wasted away, yet he had the conviction that God would appear on the earth to deliver him, and that with renovated flesh and in prosperity, he would be permitted to see God for himself."
Zophar and Job.
Zophar recapitulates the old arguments under a new form, and Job replies, closing the second series of the debate. All his strength is collected for this argument as though resolved to answer them once for all. He appeals to facts. The wicked live, grow old, become mighty in power, etc. They openly cast off God and prosper in an irreligious life, although, as he admits, there are some exceptions. They are reserved, however, for the day of destruction and a future retribution they cannot escape.


【욥20:1 MHCC】Zophar's discourse is upon the certain misery of the wicked. The triumph of the wicked and the joy of the hypocrite are fleeting. The pleasures and gains of sin bring disease and pain; they end in remorse, anguish, and ruin. Dissembled piety is double iniquity, and the ruin that attends it will be accordingly.


【욥20:2 JFB】2. Therefore—Rather, the more excited I feel by Job's speech, the more for that very reason shall my reply be supplied by my calm consideration. Literally, "Notwithstanding; my calm thoughts (as in 욥4:13) shall furnish my answer, because of the excitement (haste) within me" [Umbreit].


【욥20:3 JFB】3. check of my reproach—that is, the castigation intended as a reproach (literally, "shame") to me.
spirit of … understanding—my rational spirit; answering to "calm thoughts" (욥20:2). In spite of thy reproach urging me to "hastiness." I will answer in calm reason.


【욥20:5 JFB】5. the hypocrite—literally, "the ungodly" (시37:35, 36).


【욥20:6 JFB】6. (사14:13; Ob 3, 4).


【욥20:7 JFB】7. dung—in contrast to the haughtiness of the sinner (욥20:6); this strong term expresses disgust and the lowest degradation (시83:10; 왕상14:10).


【욥20:8 JFB】8. (시73:20).


【욥20:9 JFB】9. Rather "the eye followeth him, but can discern him no more." A sharp-looking is meant (욥28:7; 욥7:10).


【욥20:10 JFB】10. seek to please—"Atone to the poor" (by restoring the property of which they had been robbed by the father) [De Wette]. Better than English Version, "The children" are reduced to the humiliating condition of "seeking the favor of those very poor," whom the father had oppressed. But Umbreit translates as Margin.
his hands—rather, "their (the children's) hands."
their goods—the goods of the poor. Righteous retribution! (출20:5).


【욥20:10 MHCC】The miserable condition of the wicked man in this world is fully set forth. The lusts of the flesh are here called the sins of his youth. His hiding it and keeping it under his tongue, denotes concealment of his beloved lust, and delight therein. But He who knows what is in the heart, knows what is under the tongue, and will discover it. The love of the world, and of the wealth of it, also is wickedness, and man sets his heart upon these. Also violence and injustice, these sins bring God's judgments upon nations and families. Observe the punishment of the wicked man for these things. Sin is turned into gall, than which nothing is more bitter; it will prove to him poison; so will all unlawful gains be. In his fulness he shall be in straits, through the anxieties of his own mind. To be led by the sanctifying grace of God to restore what was unjustly gotten, as Zaccheus was, is a great mercy. But to be forced to restore by the horrors of a despairing conscience, as Judas was, has no benefit and comfort attending it.


【욥20:11 JFB】11. (시25:7), so Vulgate.Gesenius has "full of youth"; namely, in the fulness of his youthful strength he shall be laid in the dust. But "bones" plainly alludes to Job's disease, probably to Job's own words (욥19:20). Umbreit translates, "full of his secret sins," as in 시90:8; his secret guilt in his time of seeming righteousness, like secret poison, at last lays him in the dust. The English Version is best. Zophar alludes to Job's own words (욥17:16).
with him—His sin had so pervaded his nature that it accompanies him to the grave: for eternity the sinner cannot get rid of it (계22:11).


【욥20:12 JFB】12. be—"taste sweet." Sin's fascination is like poison sweet to the taste, but at last deadly to the vital organs (잠20:17; 욥9:17, 18).
hide … tongue—seek to prolong the enjoyment by keeping the sweet morsel long in the mouth (so 욥20:13).


【욥20:14 JFB】14. turned—Hebrew denotes a total change into a disagreeable contrary (렘2:21; compare 계10:9, 10).
gall—in which the poison of the asp was thought to lie. It rather is contained in a sack in the mouth. Scripture uses popular language, where no moral truth is thereby endangered.


【욥20:15 JFB】15. He is forced to disgorge his ill-gotten wealth.


【욥20:16 JFB】16. shall suck—It shall turn out that he has sucked the poison, &c.


【욥20:17 JFB】17. floods—literally, "stream of floods," plentiful streams flowing with milk, &c. (욥29:6; 출3:17). Honey and butter are more fluid in the East than with us and are poured out from jars. These "rivers" or water brooks are in the sultry East emblems of prosperity.


【욥20:18 JFB】18. Image from food which is taken away from one before he can swallow it.
restitution—(So 잠6:31). The parallelism favors the English Version rather than the translation of Gesenius, "As a possession to be restored in which he rejoices not."
he shall not rejoice—His enjoyment of his ill-gotten gains shall then be at an end (욥20:5).


【욥20:19 JFB】19. oppressed—whereas he ought to have espoused their cause (대하16:10).
forsaken—left helpless.
house—thus leaving the poor without shelter (사5:8; 미2:2).


【욥20:20 JFB】20.Umbreit translates, "His inward parts know no rest" from desires.
his belly—that is, peace inwardly.
not save—literally, "not escape with that which," &c., alluding to Job's having been stripped of his all.


【욥20:21 JFB】21. look for—rather, "because his goods," that is, prosperity shall have no endurance.


【욥20:22 JFB】22. shall be—rather, "he is (feeleth) straitened." The next clause explains in what respect.
wicked—Rather, "the whole hand of the miserable (whom he had oppressed) cometh upon him"; namely, the sense of his having oppressed the poor, now in turn comes with all its power (hand) on him. This caused his "straitened" feeling even in prosperity.


【욥20:23 JFB】23. Rather, "God shall cast (may God send) [Umbreit] upon him the fury of His wrath to fill his belly!"
while … eating—rather, "shall rain it upon him for his food!" Fiery rain, that is, lightning (시11:6; alluding to Job's misfortune, 욥1:16). The force of the image is felt by picturing to one's self the opposite nature of a refreshing rain in the desert (출16:4; 시68:9).


【욥20:23 MHCC】Zophar, having described the vexations which attend wicked practices, shows their ruin from God's wrath. There is no fence against this, but in Christ, who is the only Covert from the storm and tempest, 사32:2. Zophar concludes, “This is the portion of a wicked man from God;” it is allotted him. Never was any doctrine better explained, or worse applied, than this by Zophar, who intended to prove Job a hypocrite. Let us receive the good explanation, and make a better application, for warning to ourselves, to stand in awe and sin not. One view of Jesus, directed by the Holy Spirit, and by him suitably impressed upon our souls, will quell a thousand carnal reasonings about the suffering of the faithful.


【욥20:24 JFB】24. steel—rather, "brass." While the wicked flees from one danger, he falls into a greater one from an opposite quarter [Umbreit].


【욥20:25 JFB】25. It is drawn—Rather, "He (God) draweth (the sword, 수5:13) and (no sooner has He done so, than) it cometh out of (that is, passes right through) the (sinner's) body" (신32:41, 42; 겔21:9, 10). The glittering sword is a happy image for lightning.
gall—that is, his life (욥16:13). "Inflicts a deadly wound."
terrors—Zophar repeats Bildad's words (욥17:11; 시88:16; 55:4).


【욥20:26 JFB】26. All darkness—that is, every calamity that befalls the wicked shall be hid (in store for him) in His (God's) secret places, or treasures (Jude 13; 신32:34).
not blown—not kindled by man's hands, but by God's (사30:33; the Septuagint in the Alexandrian Manuscript reads "unquenchable fire," 마3:12). Tact is shown by the friends in not expressly mentioning, but alluding under color of general cases, to Job's calamities; here (욥1:16) Umbreit explains it, wickedness, is a "self-igniting fire"; in it lie the principles of destruction.
ill … tabernacle—Every trace of the sinner must be obliterated (욥18:15).


【욥20:27 JFB】27. All creation is at enmity with him, and proclaims his guilt, which he would fain conceal.


【욥20:28 JFB】28. increase—prosperity. Ill got—ill gone.
flow away—like waters that run dry in summer; using Job's own metaphor against himself (욥6:15-17; 삼하14:14; 미1:4).
his wrath—God's.


※ 일러두기

웹 브라우저 주소창에 'https://foreverorkr.tistory.com/pages/' 다음에 '창1' 처럼 성경 약자와 장 번호를 입력하면 해당 장으로 바로 이동할 수 있다. 상단의 '한글듣기'와 '영어듣기' 우측의 플레이 아이콘을 누르면 읽는 성경을 들으며 읽을 수 있다.(읽는 성경의 출처는 https://mp3bible.ca , https://www.wordproject.org 이다) 성경 번역본은 개역 한글과 킴제임스 버전(KJV)이다. 주석은 세 가지로 CWC는 Christian Workers' Commentary, MHCC는 Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary, JFB는 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible을 의미한다.


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