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■ 요한일서 4장

1. 사랑하는 자들아 영을 다 믿지 말고 오직 영들이 하나님께 속하였나 시험하라 많은 거짓 선지자가 세상에 나왔음이니라

  Beloved , believe not every spirit , but try the spirits whether they are of God : because many false prophets are gone out into the world .


2. 하나님의 영은 이것으로 알지니 곧 예수 그리스도께서 육체로 오신 것을 시인하는 영마다 하나님께 속한 것이요

  Hereby know ye the Spirit of God : Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God :


3. 예수를 시인하지 아니하는 영마다 하나님께 속한 것이 아니니 이것이 곧 적그리스도의 영이니라 오리라 한 말을 너희가 들었거니와 이제 벌써 세상에 있느니라

  And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God : and this is that spirit of antichrist , whereof ye have heard that it should come ; and even now already is it in the world .


4. 자녀들아 너희는 하나님께 속하였고 또 저희를 이기었나니 이는 너희 안에 계신 이가 세상에 있는 이보다 크심이라

  Ye are of God , little children , and have overcome them : because greater is he that is in you , than he that is in the world .


5. 저희는 세상에 속한 고로 세상에 속한 말을 하매 세상이 저희 말을 듣느니라

  They are of the world : therefore speak they of the world , and the world heareth them .


6. 우리는 하나님께 속하였으니 하나님을 아는 자는 우리의 말을 듣고 하나님께 속하지 아니한 자는 우리의 말을 듣지 아니하나니 진리의 영과 미혹의 영을 이로써 아느니라

  We are of God : he that knoweth God heareth us ; he that is not of God heareth not us . Hereby know we the spirit of truth , and the spirit of error .


7. 사랑하는 자들아 우리가 서로 사랑하자 사랑은 하나님께 속한 것이니 사랑하는 자마다 하나님께로 나서 하나님을 알고

  Beloved , let us love one another : for love is of God ; and every one that loveth is born of God , and knoweth God .


8. 사랑하지 아니하는 자는 하나님을 알지 못하나니 이는 하나님은 사랑이심이라

  He that loveth not knoweth not God ; for God is love .


9. 하나님의 사랑이 우리에게 이렇게 나타난 바 되었으니 하나님이 자기의 독생자를 세상에 보내심은 저로 말미암아 우리를 살리려 하심이니라

  In this was manifested the love of God toward us , because that God sent his only begotten Son into the world , that we might live through him .


10. 사랑은 여기 있으니 우리가 하나님을 사랑한 것이 아니요 오직 하나님이 우리를 사랑하사 우리 죄를 위하여 화목제로 그 아들을 보내셨음이니라

  Herein is love , not that we loved God , but that he loved us , and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins .


11. 사랑하는 자들아 하나님이 이같이 우리를 사랑하셨은즉 우리도 서로 사랑하는 것이 마땅하도다

  Beloved , if God so loved us , we ought also to love one another .


12. 어느 때나 하나님을 본 사람이 없으되 만일 우리가 서로 사랑하면 하나님이 우리 안에 거하시고 그의 사랑이 우리 안에 온전히 이루느니라

  No man hath seen God at any time . If we love one another , God dwelleth in us , and his love is perfected in us .


13. 그의 성령을 우리에게 주시므로 우리가 그 안에 거하고 그가 우리 안에 거하시는 줄을 아느니라

  Hereby know we that we dwell in him , and he in us , because he hath given us of his Spirit .


14. 아버지가 아들을 세상의 구주로 보내신 것을 우리가 보았고 또 증거하노니

  And we have seen and do testify that the Father sent the Son to be the Saviour of the world .


15. 누구든지 예수를 하나님의 아들이라 시인하면 하나님이 저 안에 거하시고 저도 하나님 안에 거하느니라

  Whosoever shall confess that Jesus is the Son of God , God dwelleth in him , and he in God .


16. 하나님이 우리를 사랑하시는 사랑을 우리가 알고 믿었노니 하나님은 사랑이시라 사랑 안에 거하는 자는 하나님 안에 거하고 하나님도 그 안에 거하시느니라

  And we have known and believed the love that God hath to us . God is love ; and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God , and God in him .


17. 이로써 사랑이 우리에게 온전히 이룬 것은 우리로 심판 날에 담대함을 가지게 하려 함이니 주의 어떠하심과 같이 우리도 세상에서 그러하니라

  Herein is our love made perfect , that we may have boldness in the day of judgment : because as he is , so are we in this world .


18. 사랑 안에 두려움이 없고 온전한 사랑이 두려움을 내어 쫓나니 두려움에는 형벌이 있음이라 두려워하는 자는 사랑 안에서 온전히 이루지 못하였느니라

  There is no fear in love ; but perfect love casteth out fear : because fear hath torment . He that feareth is not made perfect in love .


19. 우리가 사랑함은 그가 먼저 우리를 사랑하셨음이라

  We love him , because he first loved us .


20. 누구든지 하나님을 사랑하노라 하고 그 형제를 미워하면 이는 거짓말하는 자니 보는 바 그 형제를 사랑치 아니하는 자가 보지 못하는 바 하나님을 사랑할 수 없느니라

  If a man say , I love God , and hateth his brother , he is a liar : for he that loveth not his brother whom he hath seen , how can he love God whom he hath not seen ?


21. 우리가 이 계명을 주께 받았나니 하나님을 사랑하는 자는 또한 그 형제를 사랑할지니라

  And this commandment have we from him , That he who loveth God love his brother also .


■ 주석 보기

【요일4:1 JFB】요일4:1-21. Tests of False Prophets. Love, the Test of Birth from God, and the Necessary Fruit of Knowing His Great Love in Christ to Us.
1. Beloved—the affectionate address wherewith he calls their attention, as to an important subject.
every spirit—which presents itself in the person of a prophet. The Spirit of truth, and the spirit of error, speak by men's spirits as their organs. There is but one Spirit of truth, and one spirit of Antichrist.
try—by the tests (요일4:2, 3). All believers are to do so: not merely ecclesiastics. Even an angel's message should be tested by the word of God: much more men's teachings, however holy the teachers may seem.
because, &c.—the reason why we must "try," or test the spirits.
many false prophets—not "prophets" in the sense "foretellers," but organs of the spirit that inspires them, teaching accordingly either truth or error: "many Antichrists."
are gone out—as if from God.
into the world—said alike of good and bad prophets (2Jo 7). The world is easily seduced (요일4:4, 5).


The second cycle centers around the thought that "God is righteous" (2-29), hence fellowship with God depends on doing righteousness.
Observe that in the working out of the proposition the apostle speaks of three things:
1. The motive for doing righteousness, viz: the hope we have through our sonship to God (3:1-10).
2. The test of doing righteousness, viz: love to the brethren (3:11-18).
3. The reward of doing righteousness, viz: assurance of salvation (3:19-4:6).
Referring more at length to the "motive," notice that our sonship to God includes likeness to Christ in His manifested glory (2). Notice that the evidence of the sonship is bound up with expectation of His coming, and the holiness of living it begets (3) Verses 3-8 continue the thought "of Christ s holiness, and His work on the Cross to make it possible in our experience. Verse 9, has presented difficulty to some. "Whosoever is born of God," is taken by many to refer only to the new nature in the believer which does not sin. Others interpret the word "commit" in the sense of practice (compare 갈5:21) (Revised Version). It is one thing to fall temporarily into sin as a consequence of sudden temptation, and another thing to practice it, i. e., to live in continual transgression. This no regenerated man does. The teaching of this verse should be balanced with that of 1:8, where the apostle is speaking to the same persons as in the present instance.
Referring to the "test" of doing righteousness, it is peculiar that brotherly love should be insisted on again as in the case of walking in the light. But it will be found to have an equally prominent place in the third cycle of thought, thus stamping this epistle as peculiarly the epistle of love. It speaks of God's love toward us and our love toward Him, but either side of that truth with John always runs into the corresponding one of love toward one another in Christ. Notice what hinders the flow of this love, verse 12. Notice its importance as demonstrating our spiritual condition, verse 14. Notice the spiritual application of the sixth commandment, verse 15. Notice the practical way this love should be demonstrated, verses 16-18.
Referring to the "reward" of righteousness as consisting in the assurance of salvation, notice the number of times and the different relations in which that word "know" is employed. This is the "assurance" epistle all the way through as well as the epistle of love, and it is more than a coincidence that these two things go together. See how assurance of salvation depends upon our having a good conscience and a warm heart in Christ (19-21). See how this assurance carries with it a corresponding assurance in prayer (22-24). See, again, that this is the evidence of the abiding life in Christ (24), and that just in the measure in which we are pleasing our Heavenly Father as Jesus did, will we receive the witness of the Holy Spirit to that fact as He did. Finally the Christian who thus lives obediently has his assurance increased in the testimony to his overcoming of temptation. He will not be carried away by false doctrines or deceived by any anti-Christ (4: 1-6).


【요일4:1 MHCC】Christians who are well acquainted with the Scriptures, may, in humble dependence on Divine teaching, discern those who set forth doctrines according to the apostles, and those who contradict them. The sum of revealed religion is in the doctrine concerning Christ, his person and office. The false teachers spake of the world according to its maxims and tastes, so as not to offend carnal men. The world approved them, they made rapid progress, and had many followers such as themselves; the world will love its own, and its own will love it. The true doctrine as to the Saviour's person, as leading men from the world to God, is a mark of the spirit of truth in opposition to the spirit of error. The more pure and holy any doctrine is, the more likely to be of God; nor can we by any other rules try the spirits whether they are of God or not. And what wonder is it, that people of a worldly spirit should cleave to those who are like themselves, and suit their schemes and discourses to their corrupt taste?


【요일4:2 JFB】2. Hereby—"Herein."
know … the Spirit of God—whether he be, or not, in those teachers professing to be moved by Him.
Every spirit—that is, Every teacher claiming inspiration by the Holy Spirit.
confesseth—The truth is taken for granted as established. Man is required to confess it, that is, in his teaching to profess it openly.
Jesus Christ is come in the flesh—a twofold truth confessed, that Jesus is the Christ, and that He is come (the Greek perfect tense implies not a mere past historical fact, as the aorist would, but also the present continuance of the fact and its blessed effects) in the flesh ("clothed with flesh": not with a mere seeming humanity, as the Docetæ afterwards taught: He therefore was, previously, something far above flesh). His flesh implies His death for us, for only by assuming flesh could He die (for as God He could not), 히2:9, 10, 14, 16; and His death implies His LOVE for us (요15:13). To deny the reality of His flesh is to deny His love, and so cast away the root which produces all true love on the believer's part (요일4:9-11, 19). Rome, by the doctrine of the immaculate conception of the Virgin Mary, denies Christ's proper humanity.


【요일4:3 JFB】3. confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh—Irenæus [3.8], Lucifer, Origen, on 마25:14, and Vulgate read, "Every spirit which destroys (sets aside, or does away with) Jesus (Christ)." Cyprian and Polycarp support English Version text. The oldest extant manuscripts, which are, however, centuries after Polycarp, read, "Every spirit that confesseth not (that is, refuses to confess) Jesus" (in His person, and all His offices and divinity), omitting "is come in the flesh."
ye have heard—from your Christian teachers.
already is it in the world—in the person of the false prophets (요일4:1).


【요일4:4 JFB】4. Ye—emphatical: Ye who confess Jesus: in contrast to "them," the false teachers.
overcome them—(요일5:4, 5); instead of being "overcome and brought into (spiritual) bondage" by them (벧후2:19). 요10:8, 5, "the sheep did not hear them": "a stranger will they not follow, but will flee from him: for they know not the voice of strangers."
he that is in you—God, of whom ye are.
he that is in the word—the spirit of Antichrist, the devil, "the prince of this world."


【요일4:5 JFB】5. of the world—They derive their spirit and teaching from the world, "unregenerate human nature, ruled over and possessed by Satan, the prince of this world" [Alford].
speak they of the word—They draw the matter of their conversation from the life, opinions, and feelings of the world.
the world heareth them—(요15:18, 19). The world loves its own.


【요일4:6 JFB】6. We—true teachers of Christ: in contrast to them.
are of God—and therefore speak of God: in contrast to "speak they of the world," 요일4:5.
knoweth God—as his Father, being a child "of God" (요일2:13, 14).
heareth us—Compare 요18:37, "Every one that is of the truth, heareth My voice."
Hereby—(요일4:2-6); by their confessing, or not confessing, Jesus; by the kind of reception given them respectively by those who know God, and by those who are of the world and not of God.
spirit of truth—the Spirit which comes from God and teaches truth.
spirit of error—the spirit which comes from Satan and seduces into error.


【요일4:7 JFB】7. Resumption of the main theme (요일2:29). Love, the sum of righteousness, is the test of our being born of God. Love flows from a sense of God's love to us: compare 요일4:9 with 요일3:16, which 요일4:9 resumes; and 요일4:13 with 요일3:24, which similarly 요일4:13 resumes. At the same time, 요일4:7-21 is connected with the immediately preceding context, 요일4:2 setting forth Christ's incarnation, the great proof of God's love (요일4:10).
Beloved—an address appropriate to his subject, "love."
love—All love is from God as its fountain: especially that embodiment of love, God manifest in the flesh. The Father also is love (요일4:8). The Holy Ghost sheds love as its first fruit abroad in the heart.
knoweth God—spiritually, experimentally, and habitually.


【요일4:7 CWC】[GOD IS LOVE]
What is the third characteristic of God which John reveals (7, 8)? If, then, God is love, how is fellowship to be maintained with Him (same verses)? In the working out of the thought that fellowship with God is maintained by experiencing and exercising love, notice (1), how His love was particularly manifested toward us (9, 10), and (2), how our love toward Him should be manifested (11, 12), Third, notice how such love implies fellowship (13-16). Fourth, notice how it effects our spiritual life, begetting assurance, (17-18). Fifth, notice how its absence destroys fellowship (19-21). Sixth, notice how the experience and exercise of love is only another aspect of walking in the light and doing righteousness (5:1-4). Seventh, notice that the basis and source of this love, is faith in Christ (5-12). In conclusion, notice how many things we may thus know. Verses, 13, 15, 18, 19, 20.
A simpler outline of this last division which some might prefer is: (a) the reason for love, God's love toward us (4:9-11); (b) the source of love, God's dwelling in us (4:12-16); (c) the rest or confidence of love, boldness in the day of judgment (4:17-19); (d) the fruit of love, loving the brethren (4:20-5:12).
The conclusion of the epistle verses 13-21, is easily to be interpreted in the light of what has preceded it.


【요일4:7 MHCC】The Spirit of God is the Spirit of love. He that does not love the image of God in his people, has no saving knowledge of God. For it is God's nature to be kind, and to give happiness. The law of God is love; and all would have been perfectly happy, had all obeyed it. The provision of the gospel, for the forgiveness of sin, and the salvation of sinners, consistently with God's glory and justice, shows that God is love. Mystery and darkness rest upon many things yet. God has so shown himself to be love, that we cannot come short of eternal happiness, unless through unbelief and impenitence, although strict justice would condemn us to hopeless misery, because we break our Creator's laws. None of our words or thoughts can do justice to the free, astonishing love of a holy God towards sinners, who could not profit or harm him, whom he might justly crush in a moment, and whose deserving of his vengeance was shown in the method by which they were saved, though he could by his almighty Word have created other worlds, with more perfect beings, if he had seen fit. Search we the whole universe for love in its most glorious displays? It is to be found in the person and the cross of Christ. Does love exist between God and sinners? Here was the origin, not that we loved God, but that he freely loved us. His love could not be designed to be fruitless upon us, and when its proper end and issue are gained and produced, it may be said to be perfected. So faith is perfected by its works. Thus it will appear that God dwells in us by his new-creating Spirit. A loving Christian is a perfect Christian; set him to any good duty, and he is perfect to it, he is expert at it. Love oils the wheels of his affections, and sets him on that which is helpful to his brethren. A man that goes about a business with ill will, always does it badly. That God dwells in us and we in him, were words too high for mortals to use, had not God put them before us. But how may it be known whether the testimony to this does proceed from the Holy Ghost? Those who are truly persuaded that they are the sons of God, cannot but call him Abba, Father. From love to him, they hate sin, and whatever disagrees with his will, and they have a sound and hearty desire to do his will. Such testimony is the testimony of the Holy Ghost.


【요일4:8 JFB】8. knoweth not—Greek aorist: not only knoweth not now, but never knew, has not once for all known God.
God is love—There is no Greek article to love, but to God; therefore we cannot translate, Love is God. God is fundamentally and essentially LOVE: not merely is loving, for then John's argument would not stand; for the conclusion from the premises then would be this, This man is not loving: God is loving; therefore he knoweth not God IN SO FAR AS God is loving; still he might know Him in His other attributes. But when we take love as God's essence, the argument is sound: This man doth not love, and therefore knows not love: God is essentially love, therefore he knows not God.


【요일4:9 JFB】9. toward us—Greek, "in our case."
sent—Greek, "hath sent."
into the world—a proof against Socinians, that the Son existed before He was "sent into the world." Otherwise, too, He could not have been our life (요일4:9), our "propitiation" (요일4:10), or our "Saviour" (요일4:14). It is the grand proof of God's love, His having sent "His only-begotten Son, that we might live through Him," who is the Life, and who has redeemed our forfeited life; and it is also the grand motive to our mutual love.


【요일4:10 JFB】10. Herein is love—love in the abstract: love, in its highest ideal, is herein. The love was all on God's side, none on ours.
not that we loved God—though so altogether worthy of love.
he loved us—though so altogether unworthy of love. The Greek aorist expresses, Not that we did any act of love at any time to God, but that He did the act of love to us in sending Christ.


【요일4:11 JFB】11. God's love to us is the grand motive for our love to one another (요일3:16).
if—as we all admit as a fact.
we … also—as being born of God, and therefore resembling our Father who is love. In proportion as we appreciate God's love to us, we love Him and also the brethren, the children (by regeneration) of the same God, the representatives of the unseen God.


【요일4:12 JFB】12.God, whom no man hath seen at any time, hath appointed His children as the visible recipients of our outward kindness which flows from love to Himself, "whom not having seen, we love," compare Notes,요일4:11, 요일4:19, 20. Thus 요일4:12 explains why, instead (in 요일4:11) of saying, "If God so loved us, we ought also to love God," he said, "We ought also to love one another."
If we love one another, God dwelleth in us—for God is love; and it must have been from Him dwelling in us that we drew the real love we bear to the brethren (요일4:8, 16). John discusses this in 요일4:13-16.
his love—rather, "the love of Him," that is, "to Him" (요일2:5), evinced by our love to His representatives, our brethren.
is perfected in us—John discusses this in 요일4:17-19. Compare 요일2:5, "is perfected," that is, attains its proper maturity.


【요일4:13 JFB】13. Hereby—"Herein." The token vouchsafed to us of God's dwelling (Greek, "abide") in us, though we see Him not, is this, that He hath given us "of His Spirit" (요일3:24). Where the Spirit of God is, there God is. One Spirit dwells in the Church: each believer receives a measure "of" that Spirit in the proportion God thinks fit. Love is His first-fruit (갈5:22). In Jesus alone the Spirit dwelt without measure (요3:34).


【요일4:14 JFB】14. And we—primarily, we apostles, Christ's appointed eye-witnesses to testify to the facts concerning Him. The internal evidence of the indwelling Spirit (요일4:13) is corroborated by the external evidence of the eye-witnesses to the fact of the Father having "sent His Son to be the Saviour of the world."
seen—Greek, "contemplated," "attentively beheld" (see on 요일1:1).
sent—Greek, "hath sent": not an entirely past fact (aorist), but one of which the effects continue (perfect tense).


【요일4:14 MHCC】The Father sent the Son, he willed his coming into this world. The apostle attests this. And whosoever shall confess that Jesus is the Son of God, God dwelleth in him, and he in God. This confession includes faith in the heart as the foundation; makes acknowledgment with the mouth to the glory of God and Christ, and profession in the life and conduct, against the flatteries and frowns of the world. There must be a day of universal judgment. Happy those who shall have holy boldness before the Judge at that day; knowing he is their Friend and Advocate! Happy those who have holy boldness in the prospect of that day, who look and wait for it, and for the Judge's appearance! True love to God assures believers of God's love to them. Love teaches us to suffer for him and with him; therefore we may trust that we shall also be glorified with him, 딤후2:12. We must distinguish between the fear of God and being afraid of him; the fear of God imports high regard and veneration for God. Obedience and good works, done from the principle of love, are not like the servile toil of one who unwillingly labours from dread of a master's anger. They are like that of a dutiful child, who does services to a beloved father, which benefit his brethren, and are done willingly. It is a sign that our love is far from perfect, when our doubts, fears, and apprehensions of God, are many. Let heaven and earth stand amazed at his love. He sent his word to invite sinners to partake of this great salvation. Let them take the comfort of the happy change wrought in them, while they give him the glory. The love of God in Christ, in the hearts of Christians from the Spirit of adoption, is the great proof of conversion. This must be tried by its effects on their temper, and their conduct to their brethren. If a man professes to love God, and yet indulges anger or revenge, or shows a selfish disposition, he gives his profession the lie. But if it is plain that our natural enmity is changed into affection and gratitude, let us bless the name of our God for this seal and earnest of eternal happiness. Then we differ from the false professors, who pretend to love God, whom they have not seen, yet hate their brethren, whom they have seen.


【요일4:15 JFB】15. shall confess—once for all: so the Greek aorist means.
that Jesus is the Son of God—and therefore "the Saviour of the world" (요일4:14).


【요일4:16 JFB】16. And we—John and his readers (not as 요일4:14, the apostles only).
known and believed—True faith, according to John, is a faith of knowledge and experience: true knowledge is a knowledge of faith [Luecke].
to us—Greek, "in our case" (see on 요일4:9).
dwelleth—Greek, "abideth." Compare with this verse, 요일4:7.


【요일4:17 JFB】17, 18. (Compare 요일3:19-21.)
our love—rather as the Greek, "LOVE (in the abstract, the principle of love [Alford]) is made perfect (in its relations) with us." Love dwelling in us advances to its consummation "with us" that is, as it is concerned with us: so Greek.Lu 1:58, "showed mercy upon (literally, 'with') her": 2Jo 2, the truth "shall be with us for ever."
boldness—"confidence": the same Greek as 요일3:21, to which this passage is parallel. The opposite of "fear," 요일4:18. Herein is our love perfected, namely, in God dwelling in us, and our dwelling in God (요일4:16), involving as its result "that we can have confidence (or boldness) in the day of judgment" (so terrible to all other men, 행24:25; 롬2:16).
because, &c.—The ground of our "confidence" is, "because even as He (Christ) is, we also are in this world" (and He will not, in that day, condemn those who are like Himself), that is, we are righteous as He is righteous, especially in respect to that which is the sum of righteousness, love (요일3:14). Christ IS righteous, and love itself, in heaven: so are we, His members, who are still "in this world." Our oneness with Him even now in His exalted position above (엡2:6), so that all that belongs to Him of righteousness, &c., belongs to us also by perfect imputation and progressive impartation, is the ground of our love being perfected so that we can have confidence in the day of judgment. We are in, not of, this world.


【요일4:18 JFB】18.Fear has no place in love. Bold confidence (요일4:17), based on love, cannot coexist with fear. Love, which, when perfected, gives bold confidence, casts out fear (compare 히2:14, 15). The design of Christ's propitiatory death was to deliver from this bondage of fear.
but—"nay" [Alford].
fear hath torment—Greek, "punishment." Fear is always revolving in the mind the punishment deserved [Estius]. Fear, by anticipating punishment (through consciousness of deserving it), has it even now, that is, the foretaste of it. Perfect love is incompatible with such a self-punishing fear. Godly fear of offending God is quite distinct from slavish fear of consciously deserved punishment. The latter fear is natural to us all until love casts it out. "Men's states vary: one is without fear and love; another, with fear without love; another, with fear and love; another, without fear with love" [Bengel].


【요일4:19 JFB】19. him—omitted in the oldest manuscripts. Translate, We (emphatical: WE on our part) love (in general: love alike Him, and the brethren, and our fellow men), because He (emphatical: answering to "we"; because it was He who) first loved us in sending His Son (Greek aorist of a definite act at a point of time). He was the first to love us: this thought ought to create in us love casting out fear (요일4:18).


【요일4:20 JFB】20. loveth not … brother whom he hath seen, how can he love God whom he hath not seen—It is easier for us, influenced as we are here by sense, to direct love towards one within the range of our senses than towards One unseen, appreciable only by faith. "Nature is prior to grace; and we by nature love things seen, before we love things unseen" [Estius]. The eyes are our leaders in love. "Seeing is an incentive to love" [ŒCUMENIUS]. If we do not love the brethren, the visible representatives of God, how can we love God, the invisible One, whose children they are? The true ideal of man, lost in Adam, is realized in Christ, in whom God is revealed as He is, and man as he ought to be. Thus, by faith in Christ, we learn to love both the true God, and the true man, and so to love the brethren as bearing His image.
hath seen—and continually sees.


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