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■ 신명기 6장
1. 이는 곧 너희 하나님 여호와께서 너희에게 가르치라 명하신 바 명령과 규례와 법도라 너희가 건너가서 얻을 땅에서 행할 것이니
Now these are the commandments , the statutes , and the judgments , which the Lord your God commanded to teach you, that ye might do them in the land whither ye go to possess it:
2. 곧 너와 네 아들과 네 손자로 평생에 네 하나님 여호와를 경외하며 내가 너희에게 명한 그 모든 규례와 명령을 지키게 하기 위한 것이며 또 네 날을 장구케 하기 위한 것이라
That thou mightest fear the Lord thy God , to keep all his statutes and his commandments , which I command thee, thou, and thy son , and thy son’s son , all the days of thy life ; and that thy days may be prolonged .
3. 이스라엘아 듣고 삼가 그것을 행하라 그리하면 네가 복을 얻고 네 열조의 하나님 여호와께서 네게 허락하심 같이 젖과 꿀이 흐르는 땅에서 너의 수효가 심히 번성하리라
Hear therefore, O Israel , and observe to do it; that it may be well with thee, and that ye may increase mightily , as the Lord God of thy fathers hath promised thee, in the land that floweth with milk and honey .
4. 이스라엘아 들으라 우리 하나님 여호와는 오직 하나인 여호와시니
Hear , O Israel : The Lord our God is one Lord :
5. 너는 마음을 다하고 성품을 다하고 힘을 다하여 네 하나님 여호와를 사랑하라
And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thine heart , and with all thy soul , and with all thy might .
6. 오늘날 내가 네게 명하는 이 말씀을 너는 마음에 새기고
And these words , which I command thee this day , shall be in thine heart :
7. 네 자녀에게 부지런히 가르치며 집에 앉았을 때에든지 길에 행할 때에든지 누웠을 때에든지 일어날 때에든지 이 말씀을 강론할 것이며
And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children , and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house , and when thou walkest by the way , and when thou liest down , and when thou risest up .
8. 너는 또 그것을 네 손목에 매어 기호를 삼으며 네 미간에 붙여 표를 삼고
And thou shalt bind them for a sign upon thine hand , and they shall be as frontlets between thine eyes .
9. 또 네 집 문설주와 바깥 문에 기록할지니라
And thou shalt write them upon the posts of thy house , and on thy gates .
10. 네 하나님 여호와께서 네 열조 아브라함과 이삭과 야곱을 향하여 네게 주리라 맹세하신 땅으로 너로 들어가게 하시고 네가 건축하지 아니한 크고 아름다운 성읍을 얻게 하시며
And it shall be, when the Lord thy God shall have brought thee into the land which he sware unto thy fathers , to Abraham , to Isaac , and to Jacob , to give thee great and goodly cities , which thou buildedst not,
11. 네가 채우지 아니한 아름다운 물건이 가득한 집을 얻게 하시며 네가 파지 아니한 우물을 얻게 하시며 네가 심지 아니한 포도원과 감람 나무를 얻게 하사 너로 배불리 먹게 하실 때에
And houses full of all good things, which thou filledst not, and wells digged , which thou diggedst not, vineyards and olive trees , which thou plantedst not; when thou shalt have eaten and be full ;
12. 너는 조심하여 너를 애굽 땅 종 되었던 집에서 인도하여 내신 여호와를 잊지 말고
Then beware lest thou forget the Lord , which brought thee forth out of the land of Egypt , from the house of bondage .
13. 네 하나님 여호와를 경외하며 섬기며 그 이름으로 맹세할 것이니라
Thou shalt fear the Lord thy God , and serve him, and shalt swear by his name .
14. 너희는 다른 신들 곧 네 사면에 있는 백성의 신들을 좇지 말라
Ye shall not go after other gods , of the gods of the people which are round about you;
15. 너희 중에 계신 너희 하나님 여호와는 질투하시는 하나님이신즉 너희 하나님 여호와께서 네게 진노하사 너를 지면에서 멸절시키실까 두려워하노라
(For the Lord thy God is a jealous God among you) lest the anger of the Lord thy God be kindled against thee, and destroy thee from off the face of the earth .
16. 너희가 맛사에서 시험한 것 같이 너희의 하나님 여호와를 시험하지 말고
Ye shall not tempt the Lord your God , as ye tempted him in Massah .
17. 너희의 하나님 여호와께서 너희에게 명하신 명령과 증거하신 것과 규례를 삼가 지키며
Ye shall diligently keep the commandments of the Lord your God , and his testimonies , and his statutes , which he hath commanded thee.
18. 여호와의 보시기에 정직하고 선량한 일을 행하라 그리하면 네가 복을 얻고 여호와께서 네 열조에게 맹세하사 네 대적을 몰수히 네 앞에서 쫓아내리라 하신 아름다운 땅을 들어가서 얻으리니 여호와의 말씀과 같으리라
And thou shalt do that which is right and good in the sight of the Lord : that it may be well with thee, and that thou mayest go in and possess the good land which the Lord sware unto thy fathers ,
19. _
To cast out all thine enemies from before thee, as the Lord hath spoken .
20. 후일에 네 아들이 네게 묻기를 우리 하나님 여호와의 명하신 증거와 말씀과 규례와 법도가 무슨 뜻이뇨 하거든
And when thy son asketh thee in time to come , saying , What mean the testimonies , and the statutes , and the judgments , which the Lord our God hath commanded you?
21. 너는 네 아들에게 이르기를 우리가 옛적에 애굽에서 바로의 종이 되었더니 여호와께서 권능의 손으로 우리를 애굽에서 인도하여 내셨나니
Then thou shalt say unto thy son , We were Pharaoh’s bondmen in Egypt ; and the Lord brought us out of Egypt with a mighty hand :
22. 곧 여호와께서 우리의 목전에서 크고 두려운 이적과 기사를 애굽과 바로와 그 온 집에 베푸시고
And the Lord shewed signs and wonders , great and sore , upon Egypt , upon Pharaoh , and upon all his household , before our eyes :
23. 우리 열조에게 맹세하신 땅으로 우리에게 주어 들어가게 하시려고 우리를 거기서 인도하여 내시고
And he brought us out from thence, that he might bring us in , to give us the land which he sware unto our fathers .
24. 여호와께서 우리에게 이 모든 규례를 지키라 명하셨으니 이는 우리로 우리 하나님 여호와를 경외하여 항상 복을 누리게 하기 위하심이며 또 여호와께서 우리로 오늘날과 같이 생활하게 하려 하심이라
And the Lord commanded us to do all these statutes , to fear the Lord our God , for our good always , that he might preserve us alive , as it is at this day .
25. 우리가 그 명하신 대로 이 모든 명령을 우리 하나님 여호와 앞에서 삼가 지키면 그것이 곧 우리의 의로움이니라 할지니라
And it shall be our righteousness , if we observe to do all these commandments before the Lord our God , as he hath commanded us.
■ 주석 보기
【신6:1 JFB】신6:1-25. Moses Exhorts Israel to Hear God and to Keep His Commandments.
1-9. Now these are the commandments, the statutes, and the judgments, which the Lord your God commanded to teach you, that ye might do them … whither ye go to possess it—The grand design of all the institutions prescribed to Israel was to form a religious people, whose national character should be distinguished by that fear of the Lord their God which would ensure their divine observance of His worship and their steadfast obedience to His will. The basis of their religion was an acknowledgment of the unity of God with the understanding and the love of God in the heart (신6:4, 5). Compared with the religious creed of all their contemporaries, how sound in principle, how elevated in character, how unlimited in the extent of its moral influence on the heart and habits of the people! Indeed, it is precisely the same basis on which rests the purer and more spiritual form of it which Christianity exhibits (마22:37; 막12:30; Lu 10:27). Moreover, to help in keeping a sense of religion in their minds, it was commanded that its great principles should be carried about with them wherever they went, as well as meet their eyes every time they entered their homes. A further provision was made for the earnest inculcation of them on the minds of the young by a system of parental training, which was designed to associate religion with all the most familiar and oft-recurring scenes of domestic life. It is probable that Moses used the phraseology in 신6:7 merely in a figurative way, to signify assiduous, earnest, and frequent instruction; and perhaps he meant the metaphorical language in 신6:8 to be taken in the same sense also. But as the Israelites interpreted it literally, many writers suppose that a reference was made to a superstitious custom borrowed from the Egyptians, who wore jewels and ornamental trinkets on the forehead and arm, inscribed with certain words and sentences, as amulets to protect them from danger. These, it has been conjectured, Moses intended to supersede by substituting sentences of the law; and so the Hebrews understood him, for they have always considered the wearing of the Tephilim, or frontlets, a permanent obligation. The form was as follows: Four pieces of parchment, inscribed, the first with 출13:2-10; the second with 출13:11-16; the third with 신6:1-8; and the fourth with 신11:18-21, were enclosed in a square case or box of tough skin, on the side of which was placed the Hebrew letter (shin), and bound round the forehead with a thong or ribbon. When designed for the arms, those four texts were written on one slip of parchment, which, as well as the ink, was carefully prepared for the purpose. With regard to the other usage supposed to be alluded to, the ancient Egyptians had the lintels and imposts of their doors and gates inscribed with sentences indicative of a favorable omen [Wilkinson]; and this is still the case, for in Egypt and other Mohammedan countries, the front doors of houses (in Cairo, for instance) are painted red, white, and green, bearing conspicuously inscribed upon them such sentences from the Koran, as "God is the Creator," "God is one, and Mohammed is his prophet." Moses designed to turn this ancient and favorite custom to a better account and ordered that, instead of the former superstitious inscriptions, there should be written the words of God, persuading and enjoining the people to hold the laws in perpetual remembrance.
1. The Lessons of Sinai, c. 4.
What makes a nation wise and understanding (6)? What makes a nation great (7, 8)? What obligation does one generation owe the next (9)? Of all the divine commandments, which are the most important (10-13)? Of these ten, which one is particularly emphasized (15-28)? How is God's merciful character illustrated in one connection with these commandments (29-31)? What expression in v. 31 gives a peculiar interest to this promise just now? On what divine action does the hope of Israel rest (31, last clause)?
2. The Mosaic Covenant, cc. 5, 6.
By "all Israel" (1) may be meant a general assembly of the people, or possibly only the elders, as their representatives. "The Lord made not this covenant with our fathers, but with us" (3), means not with our fathers only, but also with us, their successors. "The Lord talketh with you face to face" (4), means not in a corporeal or visible form, but in a free and familiar manner.
What comment is added to the fourth commandment in this review (15)? What expression of mingled desire and disappointment is attributed to God in connection with the original giving of the law (29)? What is the sum of the commandments (6:4, 5)? in what particular do these words testify to the divine nature? How do verses 6-9 amplify the thought in chapter 4:9 previously referred to? As suggested by the verses following, how were the people to keep their religion in mind through the avenue of their eye? What provision was made for its inculcation in the young?
Jewish Phylacteries.
The following quotation is interesting as bearing upon the Jewish phylacteries: "It is probable that Moses used the phraseology in the seventh verse in a figurative way, to signify earnest and frequent instruction; and perhaps the eighth verse is to be taken in the same sense also. But as the Israelites interpreted it literally, many suppose that a reference was made to a superstitious custom of the Egyptians, who wore jewels and trinkets on the forehead and arm, inscribed with words and sentences, as amulets to protect them from danger.
"These, it has been conjectured, Moses intended to supersede by substituting sentences of the law; and so the Hebrews understood him, for they have always considered the wearing of the tephilim or frontlets a permanent obligation.
"The form was as follows: Four pieces of parchment, inscribed, the first with 출13:2-10; the second with 출13:11-16; the third with 신6:1-8; and the fourth with 신11:18-21, were enclosed in a square case or box of tough skin, on the side of which was placed the Hebrew letter shin, and bound round the forehead with a thong or ribbon. When designed for the arms, these four texts were written on one slip of parchment, which, as well as the ink, was carefully prepared for the purpose.
"With regard to the other usage supposed to be alluded to, the Egyptians had the lintels and imposts of their door and gates inscribed with sentences indicative of a favorable omen, which is still the case; the front doors of houses -- in Cairo, for instance -- are painted red, white and green, bearing inscribed upon them sentences from the Koran, the Mohammedan bible.
"Moses designed to turn this custom to a better account, and ordered that, instead of the former superstitious inscriptions, should be written the words of God."
【신6:1 MHCC】In this and the like passages, the “commandments” seem to denote the moral law, the “statues” the ceremonial law, and the “judgments” the law by which the judges decided. Moses taught the people all that, and that only, which God commanded him to teach. Thus Christ's ministers are to teach his churches all he has commanded, neither more nor less, 마28:20. The fear of God in the heart will be the most powerful principle of obedience. It is highly desirable that not we only, but our children, and our children's children, may fear the Lord. Religion and righteousness advance and secure the prosperity of any people.
【신6:4 MHCC】Here is a brief summary of religion, containing the first principles of faith and obedience. Jehovah our God is the only living and true God; he only is God, and he is but One God. Let us not desire to have any other. The three-fold mention of the Divine names, and the plural number of the word translated God, seem plainly to intimate a Trinity of persons, even in this express declaration of the unity of the Godhead. Happy those who have this one Lord for their God. It is better to have one fountain than a thousand cisterns; one all-sufficient God than a thousand insufficient friends. This is the first and great commandment of God's law, that we love him; and that we do all parts of our duty to him from a principle of love; My son, give me thine heart. We are to love God with all our heart, and soul, and might. That is, 1. With a sincere love; not in word and tongue only, but inwardly in truth. 2. With a strong love. He that is our All, must have our all, and none but he. 3. With a superlative love; we must love God above any creature whatever, and love nothing but what we love for him. 4. With an intelligent love. To love him with all the heart, and with all the understanding, we must see good cause to love him. 5. With an entire love; he is ONE, our hearts must be united in his love. Oh that this love of God may be shed abroad in our hearts!
【신6:6 MHCC】Here are means for maintaining and keeping up religion in our hearts and houses. 1. Meditation. God's words must be laid up in our hearts, that our thoughts may be daily employed about them. 2. The religious education of children. Often repeat these things to them. Be careful and exact in teaching thy children. Teach these truths to all who are any way under thy care. 3. Pious discourse. Thou shalt talk of these things with due reverence and seriousness, for the benefit not only of thy children, but of thy servants, thy friends and companions. Take all occasions to discourse with those about thee, not of matters of doubtful disputation, but of the plain truths and laws of God, and the things that belong to our peace. 4. Frequent reading of the word. God appointed them to write sentences of the law upon their walls, and in scrolls of parchment to be worn about their wrists. This seems to have been binding in the letter of it to the Jews, as it is to us in the intent of it; which is, that we should by all means make the word of God familiar to us; that we may have it ready to use upon all occasions, to restrain us from sin, and direct us in duty. We must never be ashamed to own our religion, nor to own ourselves under its check and government. Here is a caution not to forget God in a day of prosperity and plenty. When they came easily by the gift, they would be apt to grow secure, and unmindful of the Giver. Therefore be careful, when thou liest safe and soft, lest thou forget the Lord. When the world smiles, we are apt to make court to it, and expect our happiness in it, and so we forget Him who is our only portion and rest. There is need of great care and caution at such a time. Then beware; being warned of your danger, stand upon your guard. Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God; neither by despairing of his power and goodness, while we keep in the way of our duty; nor by presuming upon it, when we turn aside out of that way.
【신6:17 MHCC】Moses gives charge to keep God's commandments. Negligence will ruin us; but we cannot be saved without diligence. It is our interest, as well as our duty, to be religious. It will be our life. Godliness has the promise of the continuance and comfort of the life that now is, as far as it is for God's glory. It will be our righteousness. It is only through the Mediator we can be righteous before God. The knowledge of the spirituality and excellency of the holy law of God, is suited to show sinful man his need of a Saviour, and to prepare his heart to welcome a free salvation. The gospel honours the law, not only in the perfect obedience of the Son of God, the Lord Jesus Christ; but in that it is a plan for bringing back apostate rebels and enemies, by repentance, faith, forgiveness, and renewing grace, to love God above all things, even in this world; and in the world above, to love him perfectly, even as angels love him.
【신6:20 JFB】20-25. when thy son asketh thee in time to come, saying—The directions given for the instruction of their children form only an extension of the preceding counsels.
※ 일러두기
웹 브라우저 주소창에 'https://foreverorkr.tistory.com/pages/' 다음에 '창1' 처럼 성경 약자와 장 번호를 입력하면 해당 장으로 바로 이동할 수 있다. 상단의 '한글듣기'와 '영어듣기' 우측의 플레이 아이콘을 누르면 읽는 성경을 들으며 읽을 수 있다.(읽는 성경의 출처는 https://mp3bible.ca , https://www.wordproject.org 이다) 성경 번역본은 개역 한글과 킴제임스 버전(KJV)이다. 주석은 세 가지로 CWC는 Christian Workers' Commentary, MHCC는 Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary, JFB는 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible을 의미한다.