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■ 시편 99장
1. 여호와께서 통치하시니 만민이 떨 것이요 여호와께서 그룹 사이에 좌정하시니 땅이 요동할 것이로다
The Lord reigneth ; let the people tremble : he sitteth between the cherubims ; let the earth be moved .
2. 여호와께서 시온에서 광대하시고 모든 민족 위에 높으시도다
The Lord is great in Zion ; and he is high above all the people .
3. 주의 크고 두려운 이름을 찬송할지어다 그는 거룩하시도다
Let them praise thy great and terrible name ; for it is holy .
4. 왕의 능력은 공의를 사랑하는 것이라 주께서 공평을 견고히 세우시고 야곱 중에서 공과 의를 행하시나이다
The king’s strength also loveth judgment ; thou dost establish equity , thou executest judgment and righteousness in Jacob .
5. 너희는 여호와 우리 하나님을 높여 그 발등상 앞에서 경배할지어다 그는 거룩하시도다
Exalt ye the Lord our God , and worship at his footstool ; for he is holy .
6. 그 제사장 중에는 모세와 아론이요 그 이름을 부르는 자 중에는 사무엘이라 저희가 여호와께 간구하매 응답하셨도다
Moses and Aaron among his priests , and Samuel among them that call upon his name ; they called upon the Lord , and he answered them.
7. 여호와께서 구름 기둥에서 저희에게 말씀하시니 저희가 그 주신 증거와 율례를 지켰도다
He spake unto them in the cloudy pillar : they kept his testimonies , and the ordinance that he gave them.
8. 여호와 우리 하나님이여 주께서는 저희에게 응답하셨고 저희 행한 대로 갚기는 하셨으나 저희를 사하신 하나님이시니이다
Thou answeredst them, O Lord our God : thou wast a God that forgavest them, though thou tookest vengeance of their inventions .
9. 너희는 여호와 우리 하나님을 높이고 그 성산에서 경배할지어다 대저 여호와 우리 하나님은 거룩하시도다
Exalt the Lord our God , and worship at his holy hill ; for the Lord our God is holy .
■ 주석 보기
【시99:1 JFB】시99:1-9. God's government is especially exercised in and for His Church, which should praise Him for His gracious dealings.
1. sitteth … cherubim—(compare 삼상4:4; 시80:1).
tremble … be moved—inspired with fear by His judgments on the wicked.
【시99:1 CWC】The first Psalm in this lesson suggests Psalm 74 on which we did not dwell, but both of which depict the desolations of Judah by the Babylonians (cf. 렘52:12-24), On this supposition their date would be that of the captivity, and their author a later Asaph than the Asaph mentioned in David's time.
Psalm 80.
Has captivity features also, and some would say it relates to the ten tribes, as the preceding Psalm does to Judah, The next several Psalms are much alike in this respect and may easily be interpreted from that point of view.
Psalm 86.
Attributed to David, constitutes a break in the series, and is a prayer which we pause to analyze. Observe the touching picture in verse 1, a child with his arms round his father's neck. Observe the five requests for: preservation, joy, instruction, strength and encouragement, in verses 2, 4, 11, 16 and 17 respectively. Observe the grounds from the human side on which an answer is expected, his need, importunity (margin), trust, relationship to God (margin), verses 1, 3, 4 and 2. From the divine side he expected it because of God's goodness, greatness and grace, verses, 5, 10, 13.
Of the authors of Psalms 88 and 89 we know nothing save that their names are among David's singers (대상6:18,33; 15:17). There is little to show the occasion when they were written, but the last-named has been assigned to Absalom's rebellion. From that point of view it may be a contrast between the promised prosperity of David's throne (2 Sam. 7), and what now threatens its downfall; but in any event it is full of helpfulness in spiritual application.
Psalms 90 and 91 (especially the latter).
Rank with 37, 51 and 103 in popular favor, being quoted almost as frequently. The first is a contrast between man's frailty and God's eternity, and the second, an outburst, of confidence in the presence of physical peril. Many a foreign missionary has found this last "a very present help in time of trouble"! The two Psalms are also capable of a dispensational application, the first referring to Israel's day of sorrow and repentance, and the second to her deliverance and protection from the tribulation to come. Satan's use of 91:11, 12, in the temptation of our Lord, will not be forgotten (마4:6).
Psalms 93-100.
Were applied by the Jews to the times of the Messiah, who had in mind His first advent only; but we in the light of subsequent events see their application to His second advent. In Psalm 93 He is entering on His reign; in 94 He is appealed to for judgment on the evil-doers; in 95 Israel is exhorted to praise Him, and warned against unbelief. The substance of the next four is found in 1 Chronicles 16, which was used by David's direction at the dedication of the tabernacle on Mt. Zion, which typified the dispensation of the Messiah.
A break appears at Psalm 101, where David is once more named, and is making a vow of consecration corresponding to Psalm 15. In Psalm 102 he is pouring out a deep complaint, prophetic of Israel's hour of tribulation and her deliverance therefrom (vv. 13-22). Observe that when the kingdoms of the earth are serving the Lord, men will be declaring His name in Zion and praising Him in Jerusalem. As we have seen earlier, that sacred city will be the centre of things in the millennial age.
Psalms 103-108.
Are all of praise. In the first, David rises from a thankful acknowledgment of personal blessings (vv. 1-5) to a celebration of God's attributes. In the next God is praised for His works of creation and providence. In the next Israel's special reasons for praise are enumerated, the thought being carried forward into the two succeeding Psalms, although the second of the two broadens out again into a celebration of God's mercy to all men in their various emergencies. It is one of the most beautiful of the Psalms and its structure affords another good opportunity to illustrate Hebrew poetry.
【시99:1 MHCC】God governs the world by his providence, governs the church by his grace, and both by his Son. The inhabitants of the earth have cause to tremble, but the Redeemer still waits to be gracious. Let all who hear, take warning, and seek his mercy. The more we humble ourselves before God, the more we exalt him; and let us be thus reverent, for he is holy.
【시99:2 JFB】2. great in Zion—where He dwells (시9:11).
【시99:3 JFB】3. thy … name—perfections of justice, power, &c.
great and terrible name—producing dread (신10:17), and to be praised by those over whom He is exalted (시97:9).
it is holy—or, "He is holy" (시99:5, 9; 사6:3).
【시99:4 JFB】4, 5. To His wise and righteous government all nations should render honor.
king's … judgment—His power is combined with justice.
he is holy—(compare 시22:3).
【시99:6 JFB】6-8. The experience of these servants of God is cited for encouragement.
among … priests, among … upon the Lord [and] He spake … pillar—may be referred to all three (compare 출18:19; 레8:15; 신5:5; 삼상9:13).
【시99:6 MHCC】The happiness of Israel is made out by referring to the most useful governors of that people. They in every thing made God's word and law their rule, knowing that they could not else expect that their prayers should be answered. They all wonderfully prevailed with God in prayer; miracles were wrought at their request. They pleaded for the people, and obtained answers of peace. Our Prophet and High Priest, of infinitely greater dignity than Moses, Aaron, or Samuel, has received and declared to us the will of the Father. Let us not only exalt the Lord with our lips, but give him the throne in our heart; and while we worship him upon his mercy-seat, let us never forget that he is holy.
【시99:7 JFB】7. cloudy pillar—the medium of divine intercourse (출33:9; 민12:5). Obedience was united with worship. God answered them as intercessors for the people, who, though forgiven, were yet chastened (출32:10, 34).
※ 일러두기
웹 브라우저 주소창에 'https://foreverorkr.tistory.com/pages/' 다음에 '창1' 처럼 성경 약자와 장 번호를 입력하면 해당 장으로 바로 이동할 수 있다. 상단의 '한글듣기'와 '영어듣기' 우측의 플레이 아이콘을 누르면 읽는 성경을 들으며 읽을 수 있다.(읽는 성경의 출처는 https://mp3bible.ca , https://www.wordproject.org 이다) 성경 번역본은 개역 한글과 킴제임스 버전(KJV)이다. 주석은 세 가지로 CWC는 Christian Workers' Commentary, MHCC는 Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary, JFB는 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible을 의미한다.