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■ 시편 111장
1. 할렐루야 내가 정직한 자의 회와 공회 중에서 전심으로 여호와께 감사하리로다
Praise ye the Lord . I will praise the Lord with my whole heart , in the assembly of the upright , and in the congregation .
2. 여호와의 행사가 크시니 이를 즐거워하는 자가 다 연구하는도다
The works of the Lord are great , sought out of all them that have pleasure therein.
3. 그 행사가 존귀하고 엄위하며 그 의가 영원히 있도다
His work is honourable and glorious : and his righteousness endureth for ever .
4. 그 기이한 일을 사람으로 기억케 하셨으니 여호와는 은혜로우시고 자비하시도다
He hath made his wonderful works to be remembered : the Lord is gracious and full of compassion .
5. 여호와께서 자기를 경외하는 자에게 양식을 주시며 그 언약을 영원히 기억하시리로다
He hath given meat unto them that fear him: he will ever be mindful of his covenant .
6. 저가 자기 백성에게 열방을 기업으로 주사 그 행사의 능을 저희에게 보이셨도다
He hath shewed his people the power of his works , that he may give them the heritage of the heathen .
7. 그 손의 행사는 진실과 공의며 그 법도는 다 확실하니
The works of his hands are verity and judgment ; all his commandments are sure .
8. 영원 무궁히 정하신 바요 진실과 정의로 행하신 바로다
They stand fast for ever and ever , and are done in truth and uprightness .
9. 여호와께서 그 백성에게 구속을 베푸시며 그 언약을 영원히 세우셨으니 그 이름이 거룩하고 지존하시도다
He sent redemption unto his people : he hath commanded his covenant for ever : holy and reverend is his name .
10. 여호와를 경외함이 곧 지혜의 근본이라 그 계명을 지키는 자는 다 좋은 지각이 있나니 여호와를 찬송함이 영원히 있으리로다
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom : a good understanding have all they that do his commandments: his praise endureth for ever .
■ 주석 보기
【시111:1 JFB】시111:1-10. The Psalmist celebrates God's gracious dealings with His people, of which a summary statement is given.
1. Praise ye the Lord—or, Hallelujah (시104:35). This seems to serve as a title to those of the later Psalms, which, like this, set forth God's gracious government and its blessed fruits. This praise claims the
whole heart—(시86:12), and is rendered publicly.
upright—a title of the true Israel (시32:11).
【시111:1 CWC】The first psalm in this lesson is one of the imprecatory or cursing psalms, in the interpretation of which we should keep in mind the principles already stated, (1) that the writer speaks as a prophet; (2), that the enemies are not merely personal to him but enemies of God; (3), that they are not individuals so much as nations; and (4), that they are considered at a time when the incorrigible condition has been reached, and they have become permanently fixed in opposition to the Most High. The allusion to Judas (v. 8), suggests a symbolical character for the whole, and it would not be difficult to discover under the surface the lineaments of the Antichrist.
Psalm 110.
"The explicit application of this psalm to the Saviour, by Himself (마22:42-45), and by the apostles (행2:34; 고전15:25; 히1:13), and their frequent reference to its language and purport (엡1:20-22; 빌2:9-11; 히10:12, 13), leaves no doubt of its prophetic character.
"Not only was there nothing in the position or character of David to justify a reference to either, but the utter severance from the royal office of all priestly functions (so clearly assigned the subject of this psalm) positively forbids such a reference.
"The psalm celebrates the exaltation of Christ to the throne of an eternal and increasing kingdom, and a perpetual priesthood (슥6:13), involving the subjugation of His enemies and the multiplication of His subjects, and rendered infallibly certain by the word and oath of Almighty God." [Jamieson, Faussett and Brown.]
Psalms 111, 112.
Are frequently interpreted together, the first celebrating God's gracious dealings with His people, and the second carrying on the thought as an exposition of its last verse. Using that verse as a text, the whole of Psalm 112 becomes illuminative of it.
Psalms 113-118.
Of these psalms it may be said that the Jews used them on their great festivals, calling them the Greater Hallel, which means hymn. They contrast God's majesty with His condescension (113), they celebrate His former care of His people (114), they beseech Him to vindicate His glory over the vanity of idols (115), they praise Him for deliverance from peril (116), etc.
The last-named (116), is a particularly beautiful psalm, noting three distinct experiences of the Psalmist: love (vv. 1-6); rest (vv. 7-11) and gratitude (vv. 12-19). Love because God heard him, rest even when men are false to him, and gratitude expressed both with the lips and life.
Psalm 119.
Has several peculiarities. "It is divided into twenty-two parts, or stanzas, denoted by the twenty-two letters of the Hebrew alphabet. Each stanza contains eight verses, and the first letter of each verse gives name to the stanza.
Its contents are mainly praises of God's word, exhortation of its perusal, and reverence for it; prayers for its proper influence, and complaints of the wicked despising it. There are but two verses (vv. 122, 132) which do not contain some term or description of God's word. These terms are of various derivations, but used, for the most part, synonymously, though the variety seems designed to express better the several aspects in which our relations to the Word are presented.
The psalm does not appear to have relation to any special occasion of the Jewish nation, but was evidently "intended as a manual of pious thoughts, especially for instructing the young, and its artificial structure was probably to aid the memory." [Jamieson, Faussett and Brown.]
【시111:1 MHCC】The Lord is to be praised for his works.
—The psalmist resolves to praise God himself. Our exhortations and our examples should agree together. He recommends the works of the Lord, as the proper subject, when we are praising him; and the dealings of his providence toward the world, the church, and particular persons. All the works of the Lord are spoken of as one, it is his work; so admirably do all the dispensations of his providence centre in one design. The works of God, humbly and diligently sought into, shall all be found just and holy. God's pardoning sin is the most wonderful of all his works, and ought to be remembered to his glory. He will ever be mindful of his covenant; he has ever been so, and he ever will be so. His works of providence were done according to the truth of the Divine promises and prophecies, and so were verity, or truth; and by him who has a right to dispose of the earth as he pleases, and so are judgment, or righteous: and this holds good of the work of grace upon the heart of man, ver. #(7, 8). All God's commandments are sure; all have been fulfilled by Christ, and remain with him for a rule of walk and conversation to us. He sent redemption unto his people, out of Egypt at first, and often afterwards; and these were typical of the great redemption, which in the fulness of time was to be wrought out by the Lord Jesus. Here his everlasting righteousness shines forth in union with his boundless mercy. No man is wise who does not fear the Lord; no man acts wisely except as influenced by that fear. This fear will lead to repentance, to faith in Christ, to watchfulness and obedience. Such persons are of a good understanding, however poor, unlearned, or despised.
【시111:2 JFB】2. His works, that is, of providence and grace are
sought—or, carefully studied, by all desiring to know them.
【시111:3 JFB】3, 4. honourable and glorious—literally, "honor and majesty," which illustrate His glorious perfections.
righteousness—(시7:17; 31:1), which He has made memorable by wonders of love and mercy, in supplying the wants of His people according to covenant engagements.
【시111:6 JFB】6-8. His power was shown especially in giving them the promised land, and His faithfulness and justice thus displayed are, like His precepts, reliable and of permanent obligation.
【시111:9 JFB】9. The deliverance He provided accorded to His established covenant. Thus He manifested Himself in the sum of His perfections (시20:1, 7; 22:3) worthy of reverence.
※ 일러두기
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